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The indoor gym is a versatile space where our students can participate in a wide range of physical activities. It is equipped with exercise equipment, mats, and tools to support physical fitness and motor skill development. This space is used for physical education, therapy sessions, and recreational activities that promote overall well-being.

Our auditorium is a versatile space with seating for up to 350 attendees. It is equipped with a stage, audio-visual equipment, and lighting facilities. This space is utilized for major productions, conferences, and events, providing opportunities for students to showcase their talents and for the community to come together.

These therapy rooms are specifically designed to accommodate individual and group therapy sessions. They are equipped with specialized tools and equipment to support various therapy modalities. Our therapists work closely with students in these dedicated spaces to address their unique needs and goals effectively.

Our student kitchen is a practical space where students can learn essential life skills related to meal preparation, cooking, and kitchen safety. It provides hands-on experiences for students to develop independence and functional skills necessary for daily living.

The arts and crafts room is a creative space where students can engage in artistic expression and hands-on activities. It is stocked with art supplies and materials for a wide range of art and craft projects. This facility encourages creativity, fine motor skill development, and self-expression through artistic endeavors.

Our music classroom is equipped with musical instruments and resources to facilitate music therapy sessions and music education. Music therapy can be highly effective in promoting communication, emotional expression, and sensory regulation. Our students have the opportunity to explore and enjoy music in a supportive environment.

The Sanad Stimulation Mall is a unique environment designed to provide real-world experiences and practice essential life skills. Within this simulated setting, students can engage in various role-playing scenarios, such as shopping, dining, and using public transportation. It offers a safe and controlled space for skill development and social interactions.

Our on-site barber ensures that grooming and personal care are convenient and comfortable for our students. The barber offers haircuts and grooming services while accommodating the sensory needs and preferences of each student. This facility helps our students develop self-care skills and promotes a sense of well-being.

Our library is a quiet and comfortable space for students to explore books, engage in reading activities, and develop their literacy skills. It is stocked with a diverse collection of books suitable for various reading levels and interests. Our library provides a welcoming atmosphere for both learning and relaxation.

Our large outdoor playground provides a spacious and secure area for our students to engage in physical activities and social interactions. It is designed to promote gross motor development, coordination, and social skills through various play structures and equipment. Our outdoor space is carefully supervised to ensure safety while encouraging outdoor play and recreation.

Our specialist sensory gym is a dedicated space designed to stimulate and engage our students’ sensory experiences. It is equipped with a range of sensory equipment and tools to cater to the unique sensory needs of each student. This safe and controlled environment allows our students to explore and develop their sensory integration skills, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals with sensory processing difficulties commonly associated with autism.